Elderly Larry the dog was found in quite the state.
The poor pooch’s fur had suffered as a result of months of neglect after he’d been, as his RSPCA rescuers believe, abandoned.
His fur was in such a horrid state that vets couldn’t initially tell what breed he was.
It’s thought he’d been straying for some time before he was found in Crewe earlier this month.
But thankfully, Larry was brought to the RSCPA who have given him some much needed care – and a haircut.
Centre manager Kay Hawthorn, who is currently fostering Larry, said: ‘His transformation has been incredible. Under the huge matted clumps of fur, a sweet and gentle dog has emerged who’s been given a new lease of life.’
Vets think Larry is around 13 years old and a poodle/Maltese breed.
His fur – which had become caked in faeces and urine – had formed thick, hardened locks that hung heavily around his head, tail, and feet, making it hard for him to walk and move around, and no doubt feeling hugely uncomfortable.

He was found and reported to the charity by a member of the public and was taken to the RSPCA’s Greater Manchester Animal Hospital.
There, vets had to sedate Larry, who wasn’t microchipped, before shaving off nearly 2kg of the poor boy’s rotten fur.
Now that he’s got rid of all that hair, Larry is getting ongoing care and some much-needed fuss and love.
Centre manager Kay added: ‘He was struggling to get around properly, and it must have been so uncomfortable for him.
‘Now he’s enjoying running around again – something he’s probably not been able to do for a long time – and given his advancing years, he’s surprisingly sprightly.

‘He’s still a little hand shy and winces if you suddenly get too close, but if you take it very slowly and go under his chin he really enjoys a good fuss.
‘Even though his weight was fine, given the state he was in, I can’t see he’s had much affection in recent months, but he’s quite a sociable little character and gets on well with my other rescue dogs.
‘Larry still needs some dental work done as his teeth are in a very poor state but for now, he’s enjoying getting lots of attention from all the staff and volunteers here.’
The charity is still investigating Larry’s shocking case, and appealing to anyone who might recognise the little guy to come forward and help them get to the bottom of what happened to him.
RSPCA inspector Louise Showering said: ‘Larry was in an appalling condition, his coat looked like a pile of dirty old rags, and it’s likely he’d been neglected for a prolonged period of time. We think he was probably abandoned, or deliberately left to stray.
‘His condition would have been of concern to anyone who saw him, and we’re very thankful to the member of the public who so kindly stopped and made sure he got the help he desperately needed.
‘We’d reiterate to anyone who may be struggling to look after their pets, especially in the current financial climate, to seek help, and we would urge people to contact their vets, local rescues, and animal welfare charities.

‘Please don’t wait and let it get to the point where your animal is suffering and has deteriorated to the shocking state in which poor Larry was found.’
Larry was found in Bradfield Road, Crewe, on 2 May. Anyone who recognises him or has information about him is urged to call the RSPCA’s appeals line on 0300 123 8018 quoting reference 1065689.
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